Antifa - What's this circus?
ANTIFA - short for anti-fascism, meaning against alliances. Word origin: The word fascism originates from the Italian "fascio", which translated means " union" or "alliance". Even if fascism was about national alliances, an alliance or union is always something positive. Antifa has focused its attention on the division of such individuals disagreeable to it & equalization of humanity. Antifa is a state-sponsored left-wing extremist terrorist organization similar to the RAF (Red Army Front). Hating everything German and national, they reject the German state and hate every native German. They hate Germany and carry the Eternal Guilt deep in their hearts. Although Germany is actually a democratic state and it would actually be the task of the state to fight extremist groups, but they sit directly in the German Bundestag under the leadership of SPD, Grüne & Die Linke. Antifa's political ideology ranges from socialism to communism to anarchy.
In conclusion, this means that Germany has been actively working for many years to turn it into a multicultural immigration country. This is carried out since the fall of National Socialism after the 2nd World War and edition of the 4 occupying powers with the Kalergi, Kaufmann and Hooton plan, by indoctrination, re-education, active expulsion, bad position of native citizens, the Islamization and multiculturalization creeping and slice by slice actively. There are enough proofs and evidences for it, but these are consequently always swept under the table as alleged right-wing extremist "conspiracy theory" with the Nazi club, hushed up or censored and banned from the public media. It resembles a book burning, with the goal of establishing a communist world. They don't care if it merely perpetuates their lies and destroys disagreeable facts and evidence that could destroy their worldview. They prefer to live in agony with their lies and try to reprogram their nature than to admit that their ideology belongs on the garbage heap of history.
Although Antifa, as a terrorist organization, actively works for the government in the supposed "fight against the right" and allows itself to be financed by the tax money of the citizens through the very same parties, they paradoxically reject the state. The terrorist organization Antifa is about armed serious criminals, whose cases are largely covered up or played down in the public media. The crimes go from denunciation, agitation, blackmail, slander, robbery & fraud, in arson, aggravated assault, up to and including murder against those who as they define it, call Nazi. It is important to realize that Antifa lumps democrats with a different opinion, who deviate from the left-wing ideological opinion, together with neo-Nazis. If you are not left-wing enough, you are automatically a far-right evil Nazi. Nor can they distinguish patriotism from national socialism. To them, it's all the same thing. Also the so called fact checkers are nothing more than tools of some more educated militants of the Antifa, who try to bring the political public opinion into line. Their evidence is often based on references from some left-wing extremist smear sheets, which they then try to sell as incontrovertible facts.
To a large extent, the Antifa group consists of unemployed, mentally as well as physically weak, masked cowards, whose everyday life is determined by lies and eternal feelings of guilt. But beware the very worst of them also exist as those addicted to money and power and, as already mentioned, exert bad influence on the unsuspecting people. They are skillful liars and traitors, but they have power and money and that is why they influence the masses in a very negative way. Usually, however, they miserably occupy ghettoized buildings pumped up with drugs and alcohol, smeared with Antifa slogans, and suffer the consequences of their self-inflicted ideological problems. The stages of social destruction are socialism as a harbinger, with the goal of worldwide communism, from which then demonstrably anarchy is already emerging in German neighborhoods today.
Already living in misery, they are consequently unhappy with the situation where they feel sorry for themselves and blame innocent people for their misery. Their mental disorder is so strong to the core that they infect other movements like feminism and make the men of this movement mutate more and more into feminized cowardly wimps and the women, because they cannot change their biological nature, mutate more and more into combat lesbians and other LGBTQ+ mental disorders like a parasite. Among them there are also pedophiles. They also don't care what happens to the German people, the raped native women, because for Antifa the clear goal is the destruction of Germany with the aim of national death, because for them all people are equal, which is why they hardly have any other debate as a topic, except racism. Interestingly, however, they don't even know what racism means at all, because if this racism is directed against the disgustingly white majority society, as, for example, the Antifa-obsessed Sarah Lee Heinrich is wont to say, then racism is suddenly a one-way street and all right. Although there are clear ethnic differences among us humans, which every person who is not blind can see, Antifa denies these. Their tolerance is also limited, because if their worldview deviates from the left or they are on the right, then it is suddenly okay again to be intolerant and defame other people and such.
They are also at the forefront of climate terrorism. So they are not afraid to stick with glue on streets. But here the mental disorder seems to be in the perfection, because who really wants to save the climate does positive things and starts to remove garbage from the ghettos, rivers, lakes, bushes and suchlike and saves his money for a solar system, so that you can get independent electricity for example. In addition, a climate activist would never stick himself with the harmful glue on roads, because the substances are harmful to the environment and also do hinder rescue workers.
In short, ANTIFA is clearly to be classified as extremist. They only pretend to be the good guys, but their actions speak a different language!