Black-, Red-, Yellow- & Greenflags

First of all, it should be said that no human being is perfect and that every human being brings some negative characteristics and behaviors to light. Here, however, it should be exclusively about the womankind. They are widespread behaviors that must necessarily be clarified. In addition it is unimportant whether women approve or disapprove these facts and mentioned the flags now, because for us men they are useless and or not desirable, in particular for a relationship. So they serve as a warning and special caution, the more such flags you notice as a man. To the women it should be said that these flags represent simply what we do not like about you at all or even hate to death, and where we men would wish relatively unanimously that we would not have to warn about it at all.

The definition of the flags:
The black flag is equivalent to a NO-GO. If it were a traffic light color, it would be as if you would crash into a pileup, in the worst case with fatal consequences. Every Black-Flag will cause you as a man a lot of suffering and misfortune, destroy you psychologically and mentally and in any case emasculate you. The Red-Flag can be equated with the red color of the traffic light. Here you should stop as a man and at least observe well. The more red lights it has, the worse you get on in life as a man. The yellow flag is comparable with the yellow color of the traffic light. It does not always and not necessarily mean that it will have a negative effect, but at best you should at least be alarmed and warned. The Green Flag is also self-explanatory according to the traffic light color definition. The one or other Green Flag may even mutate in excess to a Yellow or even Red Flag, in special individual cases, exceptions and situations, but in principle Green Flags are desirable, as long as they are not accompanied by green pedo-politics.

1. she is a gold digger, the money is the most important thing in her life:
In principle, money is something that we all need, because only the fewest can and want to provide for themselves and feed themselves, and are also willing to do without much. But at the same time, money and the monetary system that exists in our world is also the root of all evil. In connection with relationships and women, it is even unfortunately the worst thing that can happen to a society, because especially women, and even further narrowed very modern women, put money first, and put money as a prerequisite for a relationship and love. Money has dehumanized humanity and it is also the reason why our human relationships with each other largely no longer work. No matter if it is a budding relationship or an already existing one, if it is really real love, will be proven and shown only when she has taken you as a man, although you have offered her nothing financially, or when you as a man lose your job and your wealth. That is why I advise every man at this point to have made sure that she really cared about you and your person as a human being. There are ways and means to find this out. If you are poor present yourself as rich and again lose everything. And if you are rich, present yourself as a poor church mouse and see if she invests in you. When getting to know each other, you can recognize the gold digger or "sheet-horny" one quite easily. Her first question to you, as soon as she gets involved with you, will be the question about your profession. It will be very clear if she even asks you directly about your money and finances. It is more difficult to recognize her if she has a lot of money herself and or drives a cool car, because these are more independent. The gold digger in an already existing relationship can be recognized by the fact that she quickly becomes unhappy and dissatisfied if the finances are not so good even temporarily, meaning that her mood is influenced by whether she is financially satisfied or not. If you as a man are very beta from the behavior and at some point completely emasculated, all the money will also no longer be of any use to you, because it will be much worse from the behavior during the separation phase and after the separation, in which she will put a lot to suck you dry financially. Unfortunately, especially our German state is even an accomplice and will not infrequently let you bleed as a man, even additionally, if you are unlucky, because in Germany the female sex is better off before the law, although there is a clear legal situation in our Basic Law, in which it says that no one may be preferred or disadvantaged. The sad thing about this black flag, which is at the same time a grueling black pill, is that the circle of good women is dramatically reduced, where you can still hope for real love, because almost all women in this world, tie love to the money conditions. However, if we talk about short-term fun, money can be quite useful as a "dooropener". So if you as a man is not about love and you just want to have fun, you have enough money and at the same time Game, and it has already opened many doors for you, then I wish you a lot of fun at this point.

2. she is feminist, communist, woke, gendergaga, transsexual, uses pronouns or degenerates your native language:
. Unfortunately, I have to lump everything together here, because everything and everyone is closely connected and everything always boils down to the same result. They are also part of the rotten black root of evil and partly responsible for almost all social problems and the problems in relationships. Among modern feminists, misogyny is propagated quite openly these days, negatively affecting even good women. The only exceptions are those who demanded very human things such as equality, which has already been implemented, but today has again ended in an imbalance, namely the betterment of the female sex. Today, seen in the masses, it is also often very easy to recognize them. Short hair, especially short colorful hair, most often blue, pink, green or rainbow colored, sexually unattractive, often chubby, plump or even fat and ugly and not infrequently then also lesbian. Likewise, aggressive and disrespectful behavior is a typical basic characteristic of these women. The reason why they are feminists and lesbians is because they were unsuccessful with men they desired, or because they had only pussy men who did not make it. But also a very toxic man may have set the imprint here. A psychological disorder, self-hatred, self-pity, self-destruction and suchlike is therefore very common and obvious and in case of transsexuality only a logical consequence. Of course, not all look like this and there are also attractive feminists, but these attract almost exclusively beta males, who then subordinate themselves to these boss or man-women. So this is not so much a warning for men, because real alpha men automatically sort out this type of woman and don't choose her, but it serves increasingly to make these types of women rethink whether you really only want to be surrounded by rags, white knights and such.

3. She has a low sexdrive:
From a male point of view but also from a logical point of view it is actually self-explanatory why it is not a positive thing for any relationship. Soon enough, the human sexdrive will generally reduce with increasing age, because on the one hand we become factually weaker and on the other hand we age. What and how much is normal, of course, everyone determines for himself, but if you as a man and she as a woman is healthy, it is also only normal that you feel a lot of sexual desire for each other. If this is not the case and the woman has little desire for sex, then something is not right and normal in a relationship. The lower the sex drive of the woman is, the more clearly she communicates nothing but that she is not sexually fulfilled in the best case, which would be quite reversible and treatable, and in the worst case, sex is only used as an expedient to keep you so just in the mood, so that you do not run away and she does not lose her "cash ass". A woman who doesn't really desire you sexually doesn't love you either. Of course, a low sex drive can also be due to bad or even terrible sexual experiences, such as a woman who was raped or had to experience other bad things in relation to sex. Also, it is of course possible that the woman classifies herself as very ugly, does not like and love herself and or even sabotages herself. Beware of particularly beautiful women who think of themselves as being very repulsive and thus have a low sex drive. This is accompanied by severe psychological problems or even disorders. This is of course not nice and I am sorry for every woman, but every sexually healthy man must be aware that if women have not worked this out at least for themselves, they can bring risks into the relationship. As sorry as I am, there are enough women with a healthy sexuality and a high sex drive. Abstaining from sex in relation to an idealized woman is not necessary.

4. She is solibsistic, narcissistic and or egoistic:
She thinks she is someone better. Quite big-headed and condescending, she claims to know her worth. Quite conceitedly she boasts that she knows how great she is, and that none can hold a candle to her. She thinks only of herself and everything must always dance to her tune. She invests little when she is generous, otherwise nothing at all and makes almost only demands. She usually only has her good looks or her body to offer. Many women who look good use this as a toxic power tool with men with low self-esteem. In the online world, the woman's solibsism becomes particularly clear, since it is most present there. In fact, she craves attention there, but rejects everything and everyone, and is interested in almost nothing and no one else, if the earth does not revolve around the princess in the process. But even with the exception that you have a lot of money or some other high status that impresses her, or in other words you have triggered her hypergamy. But even then she always sees herself as the absolute main winner. So she practically can't look up to any man and if she does then only with great difficulty, because she is convinced of herself to be the prize and to be something better. Every woman is to some degree solibsistic, the question is only how bad is it developed.

5. She shows disrespectful behavior and is quarrelsome:
Well, actually you could say that you could actually throw away the entire world of women, because I have not heard that there is even a single woman on this planet who has never shown disrespectful behavior. In general, I think it's a problem with all women, but the bottom line at this point is probably why she's exhibiting this disrespectful behavior. After all, it's possible that she's shittesting you and balancing her boundaries. But it's also just as possible that she doesn't perceive you as a man, or doesn't perceive you as a man anymore. Also, such disrespectful behavior may be due to a mere human quarrel as an act of aggression or defense. A definite black flag, however, is when she brings gratuitous disrespectful behavior into everyday life. Especially when she publicly ridicules you or yells at you and such. Especially when you have shown her your limits, nothing changes and even more so when the behavior gets worse and worse, because then you should definitely give her the boot, because nothing will ever change in her behavior. Respect is something you can expect from everyone and not something you have to negotiate.

1. She has no national pride, no honor and no values:
You can swing the "Nazi-sap" as much as you want, no matter whether you are a man or a woman. Who has no pride, especially national pride and to whom values give a fuck, everything else in life does not matter and you are in truth worth nothing. They are traitors, hypocrites, spies, perhaps even murderers, if they have nothing for it. Transferred to the woman, this also means at the same time that she is an unfaithful soul and that she will never be sincere and honest with you.

2. She is dishonest:
It is already a challenge to determine if she tends to be very honest or if she is lying and cheating on you. Women can lie to you and cheat on you much more easily, just as it will always be easier for them to break up with you, and especially how coldly they can do it. A good remedy for this is to test her conscience and compassion and to check whether and which values are important to her. However, because everyone lies, the tendency is very crucial. Is she constantly hiding something? Does she hide a lot of things from you? Does she sometimes not answer your questions? Does she avoid you? Does she often not want to talk about things that are very important? Does she react aggressively to unpleasant questions? Does she react emotionlessly to unpleasant questions? Does she act strangely and differently than usual? The more of these examples can be answered with yes, the more likely it is that she is basically very dishonest and has usually already done something wrong. If you keep catching her in lies, you should definitely think about a breakup.

3. She is a social media bitch:
She is on the Internet a lot and presents herself there half-naked to the whole world of men. She is an absolute attention bitch and it is only a matter of time until the next one is on. The more followers and the more revealing she is, the more obvious she is a bitch. Even if she enters into a relationship with you and deletes her profiles, deactivates them or suchlike, I would only enjoy such a type of woman with the utmost caution and keep the hypergamy of women especially in front of your eyes. Of course, it's up to you as a man if you tolerate it, but realistically, in most cases you're then just next and not her last if she's craving for attention from other men despite your relationship. The more she spends time on the internet and the more vultures swarm her, the less likely you are the right guy for her. If you're really looking for a relationship with substance, you're in the wrong place. If you're just looking for fun, then again, you've come to the right place. As free, loose and open she is, as changeable and adventurous she is. Surely you can have a cool time or nice affair with her, the question is just how long.

4. She is a boss babe - butch:
The boss babe does not necessarily have to be a feminist, but with very many this behavior is nevertheless very typical. She determines, she makes the decisions, she is in charge, she is not very willing to compromise, she dominates you specifically. In most cases, alpha women or toxic delta women purposefully seek out weak beta men, whom they can then boss around and pull the money out of their pockets. She educates you and sets rules for you. You get sex from her then less often or only if you are very good and submissive. Not infrequently she is often away, which you have nothing to do with, while she then picks up the real fun at the mega chad, assuming she can win one for herself. The slightly different form is dubbed the butch. She is very similar to the boss babe, but in addition she also has a lot of masculine traits, so not only male behavior, but also a much more masculine appearance. The butch also has even worse cards with real alpha males. Here, she is even more often perceived as repulsive and unattractive.

5. She is a drama queen:
You're leaving me for someone else anyway! You never get in touch with me! Why don't you go back to your thousand bitches! Where have you been again? She is a typical Karen. She always has something to complain about and she is always nagging. Jealousy is very common here in line with drama. Again, this seems to be natural with every woman, because every man knows the drama that women make. But again, the question is: how bad is it? Can you as a man handle it and live with it? Is it getting worse or is it more of a phase? In most cases it is not that bad, thank god. Most likely she just has a high sex drive or desire that is denied her. Often it is the nature of women to demand sex from men. Women sometimes have a problem communicating it openly or are even sometimes purposefully out for the fight because the make-up sex is so great for them. Even if some men know the background, but very few can handle it well. To the womankind must be appealed here that we men quite unanimously have a strong dislike to this drama and it unfortunately rather leads to the fact that it destroys a relationship than it enriches the relationship in any way.

6. She has double standards:
It is especially prevalent in connection with jealousy and permissiveness. While she tries to shame you, talk you into a guilty conscience or judge you severely, she herself mimes the superwoman and the innocent lamb. With her it is ultimately something else, because she is the woman. She therefore automatically assigns herself higher rights and puts herself on the pedestal. Consequently, it goes along with the solibsism of womankind. Surely you are not hearing this for the first time, because it is widespread there. Personally, I would even go so far to say that solibsism is a biologically anchored trait of women, which would explain why women are particularly attracted to men with narcissistic traits. The utmost caution should be taken with women with double standards who try to discipline you and make rules for you. Either you are already a beta, you are in the betaization phase or she has found a weak point in you, on which she then has to tip acid again and again, because she now wants to try to change it until it is congruent in her world again.

7. She is manipulative and plays games with you:
. Any manipulation is unfortunate, especially when it is used for negative actions. To some extent, however, it must also be said that everyone manipulates, so once again it is important to recognize what level of manipulation is present here. Most commonly, women make you wait all the time, mainly to test your patience. This game is probably played by all women with every man. Paradoxically, they themselves are totally impatient when you make them wait. It gets worse when you notice more frequent crocodile tears on her. Women simply cry often, sometimes even very gladly and with passion and not seldom to manipulate you for their purposes. Especially bad are blackmail and emotional blackmail or the intended involvement in confrontations and fights, especially if it is absolutely unnecessary. Punishment and freedom may be at stake. So don't be so quick to fall for every little whine, because rarely is it for your benefit.

8. She is uncooperative:
First and foremost, she shows herself to be very intransigent and dismisses any blame. She simply can not, or is always very difficult to compromise. Especially bad is the starting position, if from you always much is demanded, and she herself is not ready to contribute to something, to work on something, to make her contribution, to support you, or other things. The suspicion is obvious that she only exploits you or takes advantage of you.

9. She is extremely jealous:
A spark of jealousy confirms love and shows that she cares about you. She is a little jealous because she is afraid of losing you. Should it be so, then we are talking about a relatively normal Yellow Flag. But be careful if jealousy turns into control, absolute distrust, stalking and deprivation of freedom, because then the whole thing becomes at least a Red-Flag, and if very extreme a clear Black-Flag. So, if she is constantly jealous out of the blue, although there is nothing justifiable, you should think twice about whether this woman is really the right one for you. It is also important to analyze whether the condition is getting worse or better. In some cases, however, we men should also look a little more closely at our actions, because sometimes we ourselves are not even aware of what and why we trigger her jealousy. But there are also cases where she makes you jealous and you should back off, while she pretends that she is allowed to be jealous. This is, of course, nonsense. Double standards are never okay.

10. She has mental problems:
She has only problems, but she is not ready to work them up either, she does not like herself or she even finds herself ugly, she does not want to live anymore or she says she wants to kill herself. Special caution the more it goes into borderline syndrome. They are women who can ruin and destroy your life. In the worst case they become abusers or even murderers. Often it goes along with medication addiction and drug problems.

11. She has drug problems or is addicted to medications:
Drugs and medications are responsible for dysfunction in relationships. Their senses are distorted, reality is blocked out or denied, and addiction increases, crossing more and more boundaries. Normal social interactions are resisted, rejected and demonized. She can't get anything together and doesn't work to get out of the vicious cycle. The worse it applies, the darker the flag should be interpreted. If she works through her problems and also works on her personality and development in general, the less dangerous she can be classified as a Yellow Flag.

12. She has already had many sex partners:
While it is anything but exciting for us men when women even brag about how many men they have already had in their lives, especially when they let everything and everyone in. Nevertheless, you have to be fair as a man here, especially if you are the absolute player as a man yourself and pretend to have already had hundreds of women in your life. Especially repulsively, the sexual connection deteriorates when she totally fails to recognize her national identity and fucks her way through the entire nationality world. Paradoxically, however, 2 different sexual biologies meet, because usually a healthy and normal woman wants a man for a relationship, whom she can bind firmly to her, and does not strive to have as many sexual partners as possible. On the other hand, the sexual biology of the man is programmed to provide semen for almost all women who willingly give themselves to him until he reaches the right woman to whom he can and wants to commit himself. The man must develop, so to speak, with the sexual experience until he can also keep the woman he wants to have. The woman just has to exist, whereas the man has a hard road ahead of him before he becomes a real man. Social indoctrination, especially the indoctrination of women, has led to a general social problem that needs to be resolved.

13. She has male friends:
If you are looking for a relationship with values, then never enter into a relationship with a woman who has male friends with whom she is meeting, and wants to continue meeting. Especially not if she says she only has male friends. What you are imagining is not a head trip, but sad reality. So if she goes late to her best friend, then she goes to her stallion, but he does not want a steady relationship with her or is the one with whom she has the best sex. Exceptions are such cases as the "buddy" she grew up with or her gay best friend. But beware, the supposed buddy also has a crush on her and has probably fancied her for many years and idealizes her. He cherishes her as a best friend to be near her and will always have a spark of hope that one day his time will come when he can be with her.

14. She makes you wait a long time for sex:
Corrected is the question of what waiting a long time even means? The faster she gets sexually involved with you, the more it means that she is (magically) attracted to you. Admittedly, sexual arousal works somewhat differently than it does for us men, namely according to the dimmer-switch principle, while we men function according to the tilt-switch principle. But still, a woman who really desires you wants to be intimate with you quite quickly, because healthy women usually have a much higher sex drive than men. So women love sex just as much as we men do. So 2-3 days are the average. Up to a week I would rate as still normal, if she sends you clear signals or even lets you know that she wants it, and especially wants you, but just wants to wait a little. So if she wants to wait a little bit and doesn't eat you alive, she might be very shy and wants a little more security with you. So for a relationship, that's totally fine, because at the same time she's showing you a little bit with it that maybe she's not a bitch who allows everyone to put out. On the other hand, if she gives herself to you right away, it doesn't necessarily mean that she is a whore who does it with everyone. It can be like that, but it doesn't have to be. You will find out when she pretends that she wants to see you again and then doesn't show her face to you anymore.

15. She has extremely high demands:
In principle, every human being has certain demands. Meant is but much more that these women but also demand much at the same time, themselves offer nothing and have nothing to offer. It also goes logically with the money claim thinking and greed, as it is to be understood here. A woman who has practically nothing enough from and a woman who is constantly dissatisfied and constantly makes demands should be sorted out. As a man, you will invest everything in her, because she often knows how to wrap you around her finger, and because she is a good actress. So think very well and carefully, whether she is really worth it all and above all, will she meet your requirements at all?

16. She does not like children or even hates children:
. Usually healthy and normal women even want children. The suspicion is obvious that something else is wrong with her, but it is not proven. For this one you would need to drill deeper. However, if you want to have children and it turns out that nothing is ever possible with her, then I would advise you not to deepen the connection with each other. It's possible that children would mean too much responsibility for her, which she can't and doesn't want to provide, because on the one hand she might have only been disappointed by men, the right one hasn't crossed her path yet or because she is too freedom-loving and would rather have a nice life, because she knows that children cost a lot of money.

1. She wants an open relationship, or she is a swinger:
If you are looking for a first relationship with stock as a man it is of course a red-flag, because you simply pursue other goals in life and have a completely different attitude to life, which will not enrich you, but will break you mentally, should you get involved. But if you as a man should be totally open-minded anyway and want to have constantly changing sexual partners yourself, you can finally interpret it confidently as a Green Flag and have lots of fun with her.

2. She is an alpha widow or is shaped and marked by the alpha:
In short, you have to be very masculine and very good here and ultimately trump her imprinting alpha. Sad but sadly true, be her upgrade and not her update. A laughing matter to some, a hard slog to others who misjudge. The only question is whether it's worth it. Because if you're not her new number one right off the bat, then it's a clear red flag. You should never be just an option for a woman. Yes it can happen that a woman tells you about her formative alpha, yes it can also happen that she compares you to him, but if you don't really feel that you are her number one, then you better keep looking for someone else for whom you are clearly her number one.

3. She is a single mother:
For her, her children usually always come first and it is hard to integrate and then get the most important place in her life. If she does not make any demands, money claims or anything else and she really wants to make everything better with you, which once went wrong with other men, I already think that you can also give a single mother a chance, especially when we men have fucked up so many things in life ourselves. However, it becomes a black flag if a pattern like 4 children out of 8 possible fathers can be recognized. It also plays a role, of course, whether you have brought children into the world yourself, whether you still want children, or whether you don't want children. Of course, everyone has to weigh for themselves what they are ready for, but a woman with children can definitely be a bad starting point, especially if you don't have children yet, but absolutely want children. The absolute NO-GO would be if she demands from you that you should take care of her children and that you should be the father substitute.

4. She is long term single:
It means that she brings many problems to a relationship. Often this is accompanied by a commitment disorder or too extremely high demands. If she seems rather happy and lively with it, then she is very demanding. She has exact ideas about how the guy should be and what he must have and bring along so that she can get involved with him. She is either not aware or does not care that she is overestimating herself. Even if she then gets involved in a time, so he is then usually not somehow. This phenomenon has struck me personally in party years with "pepp women". But if she seems very depressed and sad with her long-term single life, then she is also characterized by great sadness. A deceased life partner or the lost formative alpha man whom she loved more than anything, but who left her, would be typical examples of this sign. So it would be mostly wasted time if she stalls you, since she still has to crack at it.

5. She is a newly single, but already over the ex:
The suspicion is that she does not feel love or does not love sincerely. Means, she also changes you most likely ice cold and dry, as soon as she has no more fun with you, or she has found the next. Many short relationships and on-off relationships serve a very similar pattern. They are women who can't make up their minds, are very changeable, and also have so many mood swings.

6. Her ex or all of her ex-husbands were toxic:
. The worse it sounds like gossiping, and the more ex guys there are who all allegedly treated her badly, the more likely she is to talk badly about you as well. In all likelihood, she herself was the toxic personality in the relationship.

7. She has tattoos and piercings:
Especially unusually many tattoos and piercings on women can be a warning signal, because usually it is then accompanied by mental problems. But it can also be that she is just very loose on it, or that she really just likes tattoos. Normally, however, women are not so pain affine and rather inhibited what tattoos are concerned, which is why you should look maybe 2 times. To demonize this point, however, is not.

8. She is a party girl:
She goes partying every weekend and never misses a party with her girls. Special care should be taken if she wants to go out partying without you. Such women are not suitable for a relationship. They dress not for nothing so sexy and make themselves fancy. They want to have fun, of course, and then the "wiener carousel" does not stay away. You can interpret it differently if she would never celebrate a party without you and always wants to have you with her. She is then simply very extroverted and needs a lot of action, because she has ants in her pants. So if you want to make yourself comfortable more often, you should check this point carefully.

9. She works on late and emergency jobs:
Do you want and can you trust here? Of course, everyone must decide for themselves, but behind late and emergency professions, belong also not infrequently late needs. Probably the worst would be if she pretends to be night nurse, policewoman, firefighter and she is in truth in the red light millieu to find. Even more interesting is the fact that these professions often confirm this suspicion. At least it should not be a rarity.

10. She presents herself as very independent:
If she dangles out the boss girl, it can be quite problematic. But if she is otherwise very good to you, then you can certainly wave a green flag here. Such women get namely many things even regulated.

11. She is a horse woman, cat mother or dog mother:
. The animals can serve as a child and or partner substitute, but she can also just be an absolute animal lover looking for a like-minded animal lover specified. So the question is much more about how much time the animals need and if the animals are more important than the partner or potential partners and if you as a man can handle it. The more crazy with the animals, the more problematic possibly a relationship, especially if you yourself do not like to have animals in your environment, which is not necessarily rare.

12. She has daddy issues:
An absent father, a deceased father, a father loved above all else, a hated father, can be the cause of the complex. In any case, the father is missing or emotionally absent, which usually has a negative impact on them. It is something you have to be able to deal with as a man. If you are not an alpha male with strictness, she will dominate you and take out on you what she has been missing, or you will get to feel in some way what she has been experiencing. If she loved her dad more than anything, then she will probably never let you get all over her.

13. She has colorful dyed short hair:
Very suspiciously feminist she can be, if she serves the typical stereotypes. With the style it can be seen differently. So dyeing beautiful long hair in black with red or blonde stripes can even seem extremely erotic and attractive. Ultimately, of course, it is somehow a matter of taste, but generally speaking, it can be said quite clearly to the female world here that we men are into long hair and that short hair in women is very masculine and rather repulsive. The chance to attract the man that these women want, then drops by at least 80%.

14. She can not cook and she does not want:
If you can't cook yourself, then you will probably have to leave a lot of money in restaurants and such, if you get involved and don't care. A woman who can not cook and does not want is somehow scary. But if she at least cooks with you, if you as a man can cook, then I think it is a very small evil which can be worked out. After all, we men are the better cooks anyway.

15. She wants to travel a lot:
Again, the question is, does she want to travel without you, or is she dying to go everywhere with you, and can you afford it? Is it also in your best interest? Yes then congratulations and also this flag can become a green flag. But if she wants to travel the world without you, then again it quickly becomes clear that she wants to taste the Wiener everywhere in the world. A woman who loves you from the heart, would never come to the idea to travel to another country without you.

Green flags:
In general, it can be said in a nutshell that the following points strengthen the relationship and make love grow. Of course, the green flags are not a guarantee that it will last and work forever, but they are definitely a guarantee that with it our relationships with each other will be better and happier.
1. She is genuinely interested in you
. 2. She wants a lot of sex
3. She makes many expressions of love
4. She is a team player
5. She is harmony positive
6. She is cuddly
7. She has a sweet nature
8. She is funny, silly
9. She is very helpful
10. She tells you that she wants only you and no other man
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