Personalty types - Alpha, Sigma, Omega, Gamma, Delta - Men
There are the following personality types:- Alpha
- Sigma
- Omega
- Beta
- Gamma
- Delta
In addition, of course, each person is individual, and not every defined characteristic for a mass must always be identical, but there are always certain basic characteristics that are held. The main differences are held in the mass between Alpha and Beta, while the Sigma is practically the opposite of the Delta. A distinction is made between the Red-Pill & Blue-Pill matrix, where the Red-Pill symbolizes reality and the Blue-Pill symbolizes the dream. When we speak of alpha dynamics, we speak of the Red-Pill and when we speak of beta dynamics, we speak of the Blue-Pill. Beyond that, there is the Gold-Pill, Purple-Pill & Black-Pill. In the case of the Gold-Pill, we are talking about when there is a man who has found a way to be permanently happy with a woman for the rest of his life, where really both are talking about happiness, also magnitudes and behaviors, that are so called "worth one's weight in gold". With the Purple-Pill we speak of men who have already realized many aspects, but still remain in their dream world, clinging to it and continuing to live in it. It is completely different with the Black-Pill. Here the man has had to experience so much negativity, especially with women in reality, that he has either become totally unmanly or that he has become harmful toxic, and in the best case he only goes his own way and no longer loves.
In addition, there are many other characteristics, dynamics, behaviors and traits of the most diverse personality types, but they do not always have to be the same. It is also the case that pretty much every person can identify with several or even all of the personality types to a certain point, because of course every person is an individual, but that is not the point here. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the exact percentage distribution of the various personality types, because there is no data available for this purpose. For this reason, coherent, existing recording data were calculated as a percentage and hypothetically, but not absurdly. The term "male toxicity" and all what you can find about it nowadays has been very misused by feminists to stigmatize and socially ostracize the Alpha and Sigma personality types. According to their opinion, it is already "toxic" to approach women in public, whereas real toxicity is something like aggressiveness in the form of domestic violence or stalking, for example. So these are extreme behaviors, which are thus already unmanly again. In addition, there is also "positive toxicity", which actually has nothing at all to do with toxicity, because it is the form of masculinity that excites women and ensures that a woman feels attracted to a man and abandons herself. So, for example, it is quite normal male dominance behavior, which is actually then wrongly titled by feminists as toxicity and sweepingly brought into public opinion.
Also not entirely uninteresting is the point of distinction between a so-called "natural alpha male" and a "turned alpha male". By nature, a certain degree of alpha type lies dormant in every man from birth, therefore an alpha man can either have always been a leader naturally or he has learned or regained the alpha dynamics. Without alphas and alpha genetics, there would be no humanity, or better yet, no life at all on this planet. Early childhood education, family conditions, as well as role models, but also competition, appearance, anatomy, psyche, education, intelligence, power and money of each individual contribute to how humans ultimately develop. So again, in brief, the purely biological form that ensures humanity's survival is alpha genetics and alpha behavior. By abolishing the alpha mentality, it will inevitably come to every society that it collapses and at some point can no longer, wants to and will no longer reproduce anymore. An experiment called "Universe 25", which comes close to this, has already been imitated in mice.
From a political point of view, Alphas and Sigmas can only exist from the center of society to the Right Fringe. They can never have a communist or left-wing extremist orientation, because without pride, respect, honor, family, tradition and love for the fatherland, they never represent these personality types. A so-called sigma or alpha as a communist or left-wing extremist does not exist. These so gladly desired types can only represent the personality types omega and delta, because only these can cheat their way to the top of the hierarchy through lies, deceit, power, wealth and betrayal of the people. No matter which type we are talking about, no personality type is perfect and free from flaws. Neither is there a perfect man, nor is there a perfect woman, but that should be self-explanatory.
The Alpha Type - Red-Pill:
The main criteria of the Alpha are the following:
- Alphas are the group leaders, doers and bosses in the house.
- Alphas are the absolute womanizers, sunnyboys, badboys, seducers and powerhouses.
- Alphas are clearly extroverted.
- Alphas have a large social sphere and many friends.
- Alphas strive for power, possessions, wealth, and if possible, lots of women.
- Alphas are very multi-talented and the ace in certain categories and situations.
- Alphas are predominantly intelligent, however, they also exist as somewhat less smart. Much mass less brain you have certainly heard before.
- Alphas retain their individuality, but are dependent on their larger environment and may be somewhat influenced by it because they may be subject to social pressure.
- Alphas are freedom fighters, warriors, truth seekers and pioneers.
- Alphas are very rare and represent about 5% of the world's population.
The alpha type is symbolically known as the lion, the king of the savannah. In short, they are the very masculine, strong leaders. Because of his magnificent and powerful appearance, he usually (and if only secretly denied by women) magically attracts women. Likewise, womankind is also very enraptured by his career, power, material and money status. Not infrequently, his extroversion also makes him the party star of any scene or even a famous star. Every weekend a different woman or even several women in his environment are quite normal and much more likely to be the order of the day than to get involved in a relationship. But of course there is also the alpha man who strives for a happy relationship when he has found his queen. However, there are also cases where he has other women besides his queen. He is often a man who loves his freedom more than anything and does not want to be put on a leash, a lion who simply cannot be tamed. For example, this principle is quite normal in Islam, however, not every man in Islam is an alpha man, but it is also a created form of society, where the man is the lucky one and may live out his natural instincts religious-legally. Nevertheless, the Islam would be also again a quite own topic, although the connection and comparison is very important to understand.
He protects his queen impeccably and he is ready for any fight if it is necessary, but he is not aggressive and jealous for no reason. On the contrary, jealousy is a foreign word for him and the woman is the one who fears to lose him, because he is the type of man who leaves the woman if she does not treat him appropriately and respectfully. Interestingly, however, his motivator is competitiveness. Constantly wanting to measure and bragging about with other alphas who is the stronger and better, on the other hand, is quite typical, which is why the alpha is assigned the macho in public opinion. It is not surprising that women often recruit him for power struggles. The reason for his competitive thinking is that, purely biologically, he has to be at the top and can only tolerate other Alphas in his environment with great difficulty, if at all, and if so, they always want to find out which of them is the stronger and better. Particularly noticeable is his condescending nature towards Sigma men, because he can't cope with what principles they follow.
The Alpha has an enormous sexual drive and therefore no problem with the following motto when catching women: " Just horny and willing, no matter how cheap ", because the Alpha is so relaxed that he even gets the most beautiful models and porn stars in a mostly open relationship, assuming he wants a relationship at all. He does not put any woman on the pedestal and also sees in every woman her flaws and mistakes. In addition, he would also never run after any woman and give too much attention for free. He does not cope well with too much monotony. He often needs a lot of variety and it is also very hard to make an alpha male satisfied and happy, because his demands are never low. High reputation, career and a lot of money are very important to him, because he knows that without money there is nothing to get with most women. Also, the alpha male is a very busy man and for most people very difficult to reach. In addition, he is on the road a lot and often has to try out and experience many new things. Of course, this doesn't mean that he never gets to rest and can't just chill out, but boredom sets in more quickly for him, so he moves on, looking for the next adventure, or the next challenge. Accordingly, his athletic nature is very well developed and how could it be otherwise, he is simply "the best" and "unbeatable".
Often the alpha male is portrayed in the public media as the absolute asshole, but this is not correct, because it is nothing more than envy and resentment which is brought to him by such as hate. He says just what he thinks, knows exactly what he wants, and knows which buttons he has to push on women to seduce them. He has the choice and can not help it that the biology of women gives him even more women who are interested in him, that is why he at least for a certain phase of life can and wants to live out his instincts fully.
The Sigma type - Red Pill:
Incorrectly, sigmas and alphas are often treated as the same, not differentiated and not distinguished. This is because sigma males are even more rare than the alpha male itself. Even though sigmas are most similar to alphas, they can be clearly distinguished:
- Sigmas are lone wolves.
- Sigmas have a very small select social community that they allow into their lives as friends for the rest of their lives.
- Sigmas are intro-extroverts, usually a bit more introverted.
- Sigmas do not strive for power and wealth.
- Sigmas are more intelligent than the gross masses. Not infrequently, they are inventors, scientists and geniuses.
- Sigmas are considered outsiders, but they consciously set themselves apart from the masses in order to maintain their individuality and because they know things that the masses do not.
- Sigmas mirror the entire environment.
- Sigmas are womanizers, player, bad boys and sunny boys.
- Sigmas are all-rounders and perfectionists, the joker when it counts.
- Sigmas are very rare and are estimated to represent at most 0.1% of the world population.
Sigmas are known as "Lone Wolf" and Phoenix from the ashes. In short, they are the very masculine intellectuals. Like any other man, the type Sigma also desires the most beautiful women in a way. However, the outer appearance and beauty of a woman, is not necessarily his main selection criterion. Sigmas are much pickier when it comes to the total package. The Sigma wants unconditional love and sincerity in relationships, which is damn hard to find and get, although he knows, that the ONE is not in the universe, that's why he often goes the way as a player. In addition, unlike the alpha male, he has recognized that money, especially capitalism, is the problem for dysfunctional relationships, and is the worst enabler of crime, because criminals who have a lot of money and power today cannot and will not be called to justice, precisely because they can buy anything. Sigmas are not necessarily poor because they are part of a money-dependent society, but they are very careful that money does not corrupt their character and therefore they reject the powerful dominion. Sigmas may consider the horniest, most nakedly presenting women merely as objects of pleasure, and have a very hard time choosing them for a relationship, even if their strongly developed sexuality says different, because they look for consistency in a woman and not women who show themselves half-naked to the whole world looking for the "bigger, better deal". The Sigma is almost not jealous at all, unless she gives him enough reasons, which women quite often try to do with him. However, unlike the Alpha, he hates it when women try to get him into fights on purpose. In fact, the Sigma has almost no competitive spirit because he is a very good team player and knows how good he is. He thinks as Master Sun Tsu used to say, "The smartest warrior is the one who never has to fight, and the one who knows when to fight and when not to fight, will win." He has learned to fight only for defensive purposes and is considered a wise man. The Sigma is clearly more stoic than the Alpha and gets even less rattled, but if he does then God have mercy on him, because he becomes a merciless, savage beast at his worst. Most people don't want to believe what he says, because he doesn't mince words, but those who asked him for advice are eternally grateful. Of course, even this type of man does not know everything, that's why he often holds back and is very secretive, just because he does not want to be devalued as a "know-it-all", but if he knows something, then he will tell you with the utmost certainty and be able to prove it.
Unfortunately, the Sigma also experiences a lot of envy and resentment from his fellow men and is also hurt not infrequently, which is why he pays special attention to whom he lets into his life. He also radically removes people from his life when it is necessary, but usually he does not drop and abandon anyone just like that. He can be very self-sacrificing in front of his family, his beloved and his real friends, defending them even with his life if it is necessary. If he has been hurt and you apologize to him, he forgives quickly and generously. If one does not apologize, but the deed is not so serious, then he ignores you, goes out of your way and does not want to know anything more about you. If what you have done to him is serious, then one day revenge is his, even if the revenge is something that doesn't harm hisself. He is therefore vengeful because he wants only the best for everyone, but is still punished for his honesty and sincerity. With his "fuck-off mentality" , as well as his extreme honesty combined with weak empathy, he does rub some people the wrong way, but the right people appreciate it and will thank him one day because he simply knows better in such cases. The Sigma is also very hard to get along with and very busy. However, he is also a homeboy in a certain way. He loves his kingdom and can be very busy with himself and also very often needs time for himself and his development. At the same time he is definitely not lonely, because he has a very well developed and healthy portion of self-love and pride in his heart. He knows only too well that in the end you always go alone at some point and most people, when it comes down to it, are not there for you anyway. However, this does not mean that he does not experience or entertain anything. Far from it, he is usually ready for any "outrage" and adventure, but he himself lives very close to nature and minimalist and is satisfied with very little. In spring, summer & autumn everywhere and in winter nowhere is not uncommon.
To his regret, the Sigma is not infrequently discredited and even put into the category of serial killer by the public, mainstream media. Of course, it can not be denied that there are also such cases, but that there is on the one hand with every personality type and on the other hand, the often evil-looking Sigma, as well as the Alpha is from the intuition a more good-hearted person. If these types murder, then these murders have other backgrounds than often negatively represented. For example, they can be murders that happened because one killed his wife, children or family. Something unforgivable as an act of revenge. The serial killer as what is often portrayed are much more the types Omega (the powerful influential rich) and Delta (the socially destroyed). Hatred of women and unsuccessfulness with women, as well as loneliness and social exclusion, are often the cause of the Delta personality type. But even with this personality type, you can't just put everyone in the murderer category. Murderers are rather an issue in themselves and can have many motives and backgrounds and be due to a mental illness that is not self-induced, without legitimizing or excusing these facts.
The Omega type - Purple-Pill:
The main criteria are as follows:
- Omegas base their lives on power and money.
- Omegas can be very decisive and rarely compromise.
- Omegas are often very intellectual.
- Omegas, on the other hand, can often be more lucky than good.
- Omegas apply the beta principle in relationships.
- Omegas, by generous estimate, represent about 10% of the world's population.
Omegas are known as the gold-diggers and lucky pigs. In short, they are wealthy noble men. The omega type often doesn't care about much, as long as the money is flowing and they don't miss anything. Many of them are very stingy and don't like to share, because they too have realized that most people just want their money and legitimately ask themselves whether they really care about them as persons. He knows that many people can be bought and that you can do a lot with money. Accordingly, some do not shy away from crooked things and dirty deals. However, this does not mean that he must be a fundamentally bad person just because he is in it for the money. He can also be a good-hearted person if he does not sell his values and beliefs. The fact is, in some way, money is flowing for him, symbolically, even if he is just an absolute work-aholic and lives and works hard for his job. He is often considered an alpha male because he can appear very stern and bossy, but in relationships, like most men in the world, he is more of a beta type. Also, many omega men think of themselves as alpha men, but at the core they just haven't really understood the principle of the alpha man at all, which is why they are often called fake alphas by real alphas.
Nevertheless, he is the most chosen man by women in the world, but only because of his money, because they are at the same time the biggest victims when it comes to a separation or divorce. Friendships and real love are not for sale, but the omega man sees it differently, because he finally got pretty much everything and everyone with his money, if he really wanted. A sad fact, because the mass of humanity is unfortunately buyable. His appearance is usually elegant, but the masses call him a bourgeois, because he can often be very arrogant, disrespectful and condescending, because he openly thinks he is better, his success and money is proof enough that he is someone better. At the same time, the omega man looks rather average in the masses, which he often has to compensate with his money, belongings and property. Omegas can be very intellectual and often belong to the most intellectual personalities as well. Again, they are not infrequently inventors, scientists, professors, doctors, company directors and such, because that is at least how they usually got their wealth.
The Beta type - Blue Pill:
The main criteria are as follows:
- Betas have their main focus on the one true love.
- Betas put women first and make them their center of life.
- Betas try to create an all-round carefree package for women.
- Betas are very polite, helpful and often gentlemen.
- Betas have different dynamics from loners to a large circle of friends.
- Betas are very dependent on opinions of others.
- Betas care about what the masses and world thinks and might think about them.
- Betas are more shy when viewed in mass.
- Betas have lower self-esteem, self-awareness, and less self-confidence.
- Betas would rather avoid any confrontation than stand up boldly and assert themselves.
- Betas can't understand why women prefer alpha males.
- Betas are the most represented males in the world population, estimated at about 60%.
Betas are known as the sensual parrot, the provider, romantic and dear nice guy. In short, they are the women's saviors and noble knights who would do anything for them if they can just get their love. Beta men represent the absolute mass of the world's population and are, to put it in a nutshell, socially constructed, shaped men as generally desired and dreamed of, far from reality. Everything they embody is and seems to be good and normal common sense tells every man that this is good and right in the end. But when talking about women, they often missed the entrance far, because unfortunately they end up with most women only on the friend list or they have to wait for years until she gets involved with him after all and no more alpha men are in their radius, which she still wants to have first. The beta man is if he was chosen by women hard expressed primarily unfortunately only the emergency choice and not their first choice. The singles market shows this quite clearly, because today it is the woman who has the choice. The social pressure and the available choice forces them however not rarely to think, to jump over their shadow and to select the beta man at least for a time. These are the beta long-term relationship phases of the woman, where the woman then sees the correct stability in him, marries and can have children with him. Quite often, however, the beta man is only the substitute father and pay-ass, because he has formally offered himself for it.
The Beta man believes that the more emotions, the more feminine and conformist he is, the better the woman would understand him and be attracted to him. For this he is also already putting his sexuality to the back. He is also the one who asks for sex and tries to negotiate with women in a logical way. He also tries to please the woman just to get and satisfy her, but the result is always the most painful for the masses in the end, because they always lose their women sooner or later, even if they have sworn eternal love and fidelity. The beta man is subject to the woman and belongs to her. He is not a doer, but a "please her all" doer. He showers her with gifts, flowers, romance, and not infrequently allows himself to be financially fleeced in the process. She is the one with the balls in the relationship, where some women are not afraid to transform and manipulate him so that she can get the most out of him, which is why the beta man will always be the one who suffers.
The Gamma type - Blue Pill:
The main criteria are as follows:
- Gammas are considered to be very good-natured and funny.
- Gammas are the party freaks, freaks and comedians.
- Gammas are often stubborn and obstinate in their behavior towards others.
- Gammas live very free of rules.
- Gammas often have no real opinion of their own, and also try to please the masses.
- Gammas are often dependent on the crowd and group and function as followers.
- Gammas are not infrequently fools who fool others themselves.
- Gammas are sometimes jealous because they can't keep up with some, which is why they ridicule a lot of things.
- Gammas are optically mostly rather average.
- Gammas proceed according to the beta principle and are somewhat less successful with women, despite their strong sense of humor.
- Gammas are represented with just under 15% in the world.
Gammas are known as the silly ass or fool. In short, they are the silly and funny men, the clowns. Although they are considered stupid, these men are not necessarily stupid, but rather if anything less educated. They are jokers, party stars, and up for any prank, and they simply take massive pleasure in making others laugh. They have learned that humor, jokes and charm go very well together. Many women long for men with whom you can laugh your head off and with whom life is very funny. But unfortunately, like the Beta, he is usually very in need of harmony, sweet, nice and dependent on his beloved.
He doesn't cope so well when things go badly because he just doesn't deal well with negativity. In most cases, life is just too hard and difficult enough already. He relates a lot to himself and makes himself responsible for a lot. That's why he not seldom forgets that you also have to be serious in life sometimes and that not everything can always be love, peace and harmony. The backgrounds of the goofy men, however, can also be very different. So it can be, for example, that he plays the fool outwardly to cover his sadness deep inside. They want to be seen and loved, but their experience is sometimes unfortunately not like that. Not infrequently, they have 2 left hands, but they can skillfully cover up with their humor. Without this type of man, every party is a sad event and the earth would become hell, which is why he and his funny gamma personality, should never be missing in any other stereotypes and also so in general.
The Delta type - Black Pill:
The main criteria are as follows:
- Deltas are the absolutely unmanly type of man, either completely ideologically socially re-educated or toxic.
- Deltas often present themselves as world-improvers and do-gooders, while others are often misanthropes, and not infrequently animal enemies.
- Deltas either feel quite strong only in their accepted group, or they are very quiet, unobtrusive, solitary individuals.
- Deltas are not infrequently haunted by bad luck and negativity.
- Deltas must inevitably cheat their way through life.
- Deltas operate on either the suck-up or asshole principle and are either converted men or misogynists.
- Deltas often have a mental disorder, not infrequently caused by massive drug use.
- Deltas are often rather less beautiful people in terms of appearance.
- With an estimated 10%, deltas are unfortunately no longer a rarity in the world, even if they tend to be minorities.
Deltas are known as the false deceiving poisonous snake. In a word, they are the re-educated, unmanly, unsuccessful, hateful and suffering men of the society, the extremists. God damn it! What happened here?! Yes right, a lot of things went wrong in their lives. Some of them have chosen their way by themselves, others have been driven into this corner by society. In any event, they are often the ones who suffer in the end, because they are outcast, marginalized, treated unfairly and driven to ruin. Others, on the other hand, are extremely hyped by society, and propagated as the new, modern man, but ironically, at the same time, are not even chosen by women in relationships. Not infrequently, they are the ones who are socially labeled as ugly. In most cases, they are also very weak, unmanly, from the other shore or have even changed their gender. It is often the case that they have only had bad experiences with women in their lives, simply do not get along with them, or even have never had a woman in their lives. Quite often they are even male feminists. They even try to reprogram their masculinity in the hope that they will finally be accepted and chosen by women. Some are also known as the noble white knights. They forcefully stand up for women and their rights and revoke their own biology and nature by generally classifying masculinity as toxic. They are very envious, talk badly about you, blackwash other people and do not begrudge anyone success because they have nowhere to compete. A very clear indication of a Delta man is that he wants to tell you a lie as the truth at any cost, repeatedly puts you under massive pressure, harasses and stalks you.
Because they are socially indoctrinated and manipulated, have no self-esteem and work on the self-destruction of their own biology, it is not uncommon that they can suffer from trauma, psychosis, depression and such things. It is not surprising that in some cases they do not even know to which gender they should belong. Not infrequently, pedophiles, criminals, psychopaths, serial killers, who present themselves today in the rainbow of LGBTQ+ or with the ANTIFA, and do like a goody-goody, while they work on destroying their own people and to early-sexualize small children, arise from this in extreme cases. Pedophilia, for example, is a consequence of unmanliness. Moreover, you just can't turn shit into gold, and it doesn't do any good to declare the shit with the name of gold. Communism and anarchy are widely associated with the Delta personality type very closely. Such extreme cases just described are scum and have nothing to do with masculinity anymore. Thank God the worst of them end up on the electric chair or are at least locked away. Of course, there are also less extreme cases that are not criminals and in the best case they live a very lonely, abandoned and secluded life, because people have turned away from them, because they are sick, or because they no longer have anyone in their lives who can give them stability. However, it is important to name clearly also the extreme cases, in order to know which consequences and implications are associated with such a personality type and how problematic a biological deconstruction is for mankind. The result will be the last (de)generation.